Halloween 2020: Cute

lapkritis 27, 2020 m Desertai,
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With our life being as creepy as it is these days, I don’t think we need any extra amount of creepy for Halloween. I thought a dose of cuteness would be good. Totoro characters provide just that: super cute; and Stephanie’s blog is an endless resource & inspiration for all things Totoro.

So there: Halloween-themed Totoro treats, super sweet and super cute.
















Rice Krispie Treats

Recipe source: I am a food blog

6 tablespoons butter

10 oz mini marshmallows 

 6 cups rice krispies

Line an 8x8 inch square baking pan with parchment.

In a large saucepan melt butter over medium low heat. Reduce heat to low. Add marshmallows, stir until smooth. Remove from heat.

Add rice krispies, fold gently until all is coated uniformly. Press mixture into prepared pan. Let cool completely at room temperature, cut into squares.




Miniature brownies

Recipe source: I am a food blog

½ cup butter, melted

¾ cup sugar

½ teaspoon salt

½ cup cocoa powder 

1 teaspoon instant coffee

2 eggs 

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon baking powder

6 tablespoons flour


Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly butter muffin pan, line with parchment strips.

In a mixing bowl, whisk melted butter, sugar and salt. Add cocoa powder and instant coffee, mix until well combined.

Add eggs, one at a time, and vanilla, mix well to combine. Sprinkle on baking powder, then the flour and slowly mix until just combined with no flour streaks.

Spoon the batter evenly into the muffin tins. Bake for 11-12 minutes until set. Remove from oven. Let cool completely in the pan.


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