Rum, Raisins & 4th of July
I made this ice cream, decorated it in flag pattern, for 4th of July, and then got into my car, and took off, for a weekend trip to Casco Bay, Maine, alone, no kids, no dog. It was a 7 hour long uneventful drive, stopping only once just to get gas & for a potty stop in the woods. No stopping for coffee, or a quick snack, because it is quarantine, and COVID; and because I wanted to do it the right way. It was a long ride, lots of time to think about things, with random radio stations keep playing in the background, passing road signs with “Let Freedom Ring!” and “Fireworks are Illegal”. I thought about 4th of July, of course. Because it’s that weekend. US gets a lot negative kind of attitude, in general, I think; we are often being criticized, judged, even ridiculed. It’s understandable, somewhat, especially due to the current underperformance with COVID curves, and also let us not forget the current President, and all the Black Lives Matter movement, and then the history of all the worst things under the sun; we don’t even want to dig into the history, because that only brings up the generations worth of guilt and sorrow. Not the kind of emotion one would like to have on a holiday weekend. The nation is not its leaders, or governments, or political history. The nation is its people. The way we are, the way we act, the things we value, that’s what America is. I strongly believe that American nation is great, lots of things to be proud of, lots of achievements to celebrate. Happy 4th of July to all my American friends and to my half-American family – you all are the main reason why me too, now am a part of this great country. Ausra
Rum Raisin Ice cream Recipe source: David Lebovitz | The Perfect Scoop
100g Mixed Dark & Light Raisins 125ml Dark Rum 180ml Full Cream Milk 375ml Double Cream 130g White Granulated Sugar 4 large Egg Yolks 3cm strip of Orange or Lemon Zest Pinch of Salt Heat the raisins, rum and orange zest in a small saucepan on a stove, or in a microwave; cover and let stand for a few hours In another saucepan, warm the milk, sugar, 125ml of the cream and salt. Pour the remaining 250ml cream into a large bowl and set a sieve on top In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks Slowly pour the warmed milk mixture into the egg yolks, whisking constantly Scrape the egg mixture back into the saucepan Stir the mixture constantly over medium heat with a heatproof spatula, scraping the bottom as you stir, until the mixture thickens and coats the spatula Pour the custard through the sieve and into the cream Stir until cool over an ice bath Chill the mixture thoroughly in the fridge When ready to freeze, drain the raisins over a bowl and reserve the rum Discard the orange zest Measure the drained rum and add more, if necessary, so that you have a total of 45ml Stir the rum into the custard Freeze the mixture in your ice-cream maker During the last few minutes of churning, add the rum soaked raisins.
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