Cookie Swap
Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap is on again. It’s my 5th time participating in this event, and I’m as happy as ever to be a part of it. As I wrote in my cookie swap posts from previous years, the event is wonderful for many reasons: it supports a great cause, it also positively contributes to the community of food bloggers, gives opportunity for us to discover each other, to communicate, to share experiences, recipes and goodies. Also, all that baking, wrapping and unwrapping creates a cheerful Holiday spirit filled with sweetness, joy of gift giving and surprise. So, it is a totally awesome event, on many levels.
My cookie of choice for this year’s swap was these miniature sablés, shaped like small gift packages (as the idea of cookie swap suggests). The style for the cookies I borrowed from the Cookie Fairy, and the recipe – from Mimi Thorisson (because Cookie Fairies recipe was in Hebrew, and google has done a terrible job translating it for me, so I had to find an English version). These are pretty basic, simple cookies, sturdy enough for shipping, good tasting, and good looking. I decided to make them for the swap when it was still summer, long before the cookie swap has even started, and all those months I was patiently waiting, full of anticipation, looking forward to baking them and then shipping them to three of my fellow bloggers: Suzanne from Munchkin Munchies Lisa from Healthy Nibbles and Bits Sarah from Sarah Cooks the Books I’m glad cookies made it safely to Suzanne and to Sarah. Thank you, Ladies, for your kind words about my blog and for the sweet thank-you messages. I have not heard back from my third recipient, Lisa. I hope she received her shipment too, all in good shape. On the receiving part, I received three sweet packages of cookies:
Also, thanks to Lindsay and Julie for organizing such wonderful event; looking forward to doing the same thing again next year. Aušra
Black and White Sablés Recipe sources: Manger & The Cookie Fairy Plain dough: 150 g flour 100 g butter, at room temperature 50 g powdered sugar 2 tablespoons egg In a food processor, combine and mix sifted flour, butter and powdered sugar. Mix for 3 minutes, then add 2 tablespoon of egg and mix for 10 seconds. Shape dough into a ball, wrap in plastic and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes.
Cocoa dough: 115 g flour 75 g butter, at room temperature 38 g powdered sugar 12 g cocoa powder 2 tablespoons egg In a food processor, mix sifted flour and cocoa powder. Add powdered sugar and butter. Mix for 2 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of egg and mix 10 more seconds. Shape dough into a ball, wrap in plastic and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. Preheat oven to 325oF. Roll the plain dough and the cocoa dough separately between two sheets of parchment into a 1 cm / ½-inch thickness. With a sharp knife cut dough into 1 cm thick strips. Align each strips in a desired design (3 strips on three rows). Roll the aligned strips in the parchment paper to secure the strips and transfer to the refrigerator or freezer for 15-20 minutes. Remove chilled rods of dough from refrigerator. Slice dough into ½-inch slices and place them on parchment lined baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 12-15 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool on the baking sheet. Sore in an airtight container at room temperature.
Sviestiniai sausainiai sablés Recepto šaltinis: Manger & The Cookie Fairy Paprasta tešla: 150 g miltų 100 g sviesto, kambario temperatūros 50 g cukraus pudros 2 šaukštai kiaušinio plakinio Virtuviniame kombaine išsukti persijotus miltus, sviestą ir cukraus pudrą iki vientisos masės, maždaug 3 minutes. Sudėti 2 šaukštus kiaušinio plakinio ir gerai išsukti, kol tešla taps vientisa. Iš tešlos suformuoti rutulį, susukti į maistinę plėvelę ir dėti 15-30 minučių į šaldytuvą.
Kakavinė tešla: 115 g miltų 75 g sviesto, kambario temperatūros 38 g cukraus pudros 12 g kakavos miltelių 2 šaukštai kiaušinio plakinio Virtuviniame kombaine sumaišyti persijotus miltus ir kakavą. Suberti cukraus pudrą, sudėti sviestą, sukti 2 minutes. Sudėti 2 šaukštus kiaušinio plakinio ir gerai išsukti, kol susiformuos vientisa tešla. Iš tešlos suformuoti rutulį, susukti į maistinę plėvelę ir dėti 15-30 minučių į šaldytuvą. Orkaitę ikaitinti iki 165oC. Paprastą ir kakavinę tešlą išimti iš šaldytuvo. Abi tešlas atskirai iškočioti tarp dviejų sviestinio popieriaus lakštų į 1 cm storio sluoksnį. Tešlą supjaustyti 1 cm pločio juostelėmis. Baltas ir rudas juosteles sudėti vieną ant kitos šachmatine tvarka į stačiakampį volelį; susukti į sviestinį popierių, atsargiai suspausti, kad juostelės suliptų ir dėti 15-20 minučių į šaldytuvą arba į šaldiklį, kad tešla gerai sustingtų. Sustingusį tešlos volelį supjaustyti 1 cm storio griežinėliais, juos dėti ant sviestiniu popieriumi ištiestos sakrdos, tarp sausainių paliekant maždaug 1-2 cm tarpus. Skardą su sausainiais pašauti į įkaitintą orkaitę. Kepti maždaug 12-15 minučių, kol sausainių paviršius apdžius, o krašteliai lengvai paruduos. Skardą traukti iš orkaitės. Sausainius palikti ant skardos, kad atvėstų. Laikyti sandariai uždarytame inde kambario temperatūroje.
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