Cookie Swap and Chocolate Crack Cookies
Maždaug prieš mėnesį aš sudalyvavau Love and Olive organizuotame sausainių apsikeitime (Cookie Swap). Dalyvaudama pasižadėjau, kad įrašą apie savuosius apsikeitime dalyvavusius sausainius parašysiu angliškai. Taigi, pirmasis angliškas įrašas mano bloge. I am so glad I have decided to participate in the Cookie Swap organized by Love & Olive. I expected it to be a great fun, and sure thing – fun it was! Most of all I loved receiving surprise packages with yummy goodies. My family appreciated that as well. I also enjoyed the opportunity to discover amazing food bloggers and wonderful bakers that I haven’t known before. Thanks to Lindsay and Julie for allowing me to participate, even with my Lithuanian blog. And also thanks for selecting trully fitting matches. All girls seem to be so very similar to me in many ways. Big thanks to Toni from A Taste of Alaska for her chewy almond-coconut macaroons, and to Samantha from Running and Cupcakes for her light and flavorful anise sugar cookies. Big thanks to Jessica from Fashioned By Grace for kind words about my cookies. This cookie swap was a wonderful event that made us, food bloggers and bakers, a bit closer to each other. I was happy to be a part of it. For Cookie Swap I baked David Lebovitz’s chocolate crack cookies with slight modifications suggested by White on Rice Couuple. Addition of dried cherries macerated in liquor add softness and chewiness to these already perfect cookies, not to mention a burst of amazing flavor. I picked Amaretto as a liquor of choice, because: 1) I have a one huge bottle of it left from Thanksgiving; 2) Amaretto, cherries and chocolate simply get along quite well, I must say. But, as David and White on Rice Couple mention in their recipies, any liquor would do, so pick your favorite. As the name and the illustration clearly suggest, these cookies are totally addictive and quite dangerous in that respect. One single taste of this chocolaty heaven will unavoidably get you hooked, and soon you’ll be asking for more, and more, and more. At first these humble cookies will surprise you by their deliciousness and strength of pure flavors. Then you’ll realize how hard it is to resist the temptation. They are a taste of sin and guilty pleasure. Nevertheless, I still insist that you try them. No matter how addictive and seductive this stuff is, you must still experience it, at least once in your lifetime.
Chocolate Crack Cookies From David Lebovitz "Ready for Dessert" and White on Rice Couple 4 – 6 ounces dried cherries ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons liquor of choice 8 ounces dark chocolate, chopped 3 tablespoons butter 2 eggs, at room temperature 1/3 cup sugar ¾ cup flour ½ teaspoon baking powder Pinch of salt Sugar and powdered sugar for coating cookies
Sutrūkinėję šokoladiniai sausainiai Pagal David Lebovitz "Ready for Dessert" ir White on Rice Couple 120 – 170 g džiovintų vyšnių 60 ml + 2 šaukštai mėgstamo likerio 225 g tamsaus šokolado, susmulkinto 45 g sviesto 2 kiaušiniai, kambario temperatūros 65 g cukraus 100 g miltų ½ šaukštelio kepimo miltelių Žiupsnelis druskos Cukraus ir cukraus pudros apvoliojimui
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